And its a Go!

Posted by dumpyfrumpy40something on 12:58 AM

Well I have survived the first 48 hours on Weight Watchers and have eaten some of the foods I listed in this post Food I don't like and I survived.  One thing that has surprised me is I haven't really craved chocolate, which really surprises me as I ate it everyday and I mean everyday.  I am beginning to wonder if it's because I stuffed myself with so much of it before I started this, that I literally made myself ill, but wondering how long it will last.  I'm hoping the detox happens before the cravings start that way alot of the sugar has gone from the system....keep telling yourself that, keep telling yourself that lol.

One thing I love about Weight Watchers is No food is off limits.  You can eat anything you want. Of course the AMOUNT of food is likely to change, but you get to pick what you eat. You are not forced to eat things you dislike and you are not forbidden anything. It's about MODERATION, not DEPRIVATION! You can chop and change not only your ingredients but also your meals.  You are given rough menu's to follow but its up to you if you want to or in my case need to or you can plan your week out yourself, as long as it falls within your points in my case 26 points a day. Will share more about it soon.

I am looking forward to getting back into smaller clothes and I made sure I took a photo on day one and the measurements to compare. May share a bit later when I feel confident to do so.

Reason to BELIEVE: Because the one person who can turn your dream into a reality is you.


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